Reasons Why Girls Gossip

I've often wondered why girls gossip so much. I'm not judging, mind you, I do it too – and sometimes I have to take a step back, have a Tyra Banks moment, and realize I'm doing it because I'm feeling insecure about something. But sometimes, it's just for the story and at other times, it's just to stay in the loop, and – well, you get it. There are just so many reasons that I decided to find out some of the main reasons women gossip. Do you agree with any of these?

Reasons Include They Following:


One of the reasons a woman may gossip is because it helps her process her own experiences. For instance, a woman may gossip with her girlfriend and not feel like she is gossiping at all. Rather, she might just be trying to dissect and understand her own experience. She might need perspective on a matter and, if it involves someone else, it can simply be construed as gossiping.



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